The 15th Summer School on International Frontier in Communication Theory and Research Methods at Zhejiang University
Global Digital Equality: Technological Evolution and Social Change
The expansion and transformation of media technology on a global scale have led human society into the digital age, but it may have also brought confrontations and inequalities among nations, regions, races, and individuals. The recent development of artificial intelligence has brought new opportunities and challenges to the digitalization in human history. In the era of deep mediatization, the issues of digital divide, data abuse, misinformation, digital waste, platform monopoly, and digital governance all demonstrate the cruciality of advancing global digital equality in today’s world. How should we define digital equality? How does media technology affect global digital equality in fields such as politics, economy, culture, and health? How should we deal with various inequalities in the digital world? How to advance theory and practice in these fields? The 15th Summer School on International Frontier in Communication Theory and Research Methods at Zhejiang University will focus on the theme of Global Digital Equality: Technological Evolution and Social Change. We sincerely invite young scholars from around the world to have academic exchanges from multiple perspectives, dimensions, and methods, and jointly explore the theory and practice of global digital equality.
Since 2004, the School of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University has hosted fourteen summer schools on International Frontier Communication Theory and Research Methods. Besides offering lectures from renowned professors worldwide, the summer school provides opportunities for discussion and paper presentation, aiming to deeply explore the major issues faced by the international communication academic community, and to promote theoretical and methodological innovation in related research fields. No registration fee will be charged. Attendees shall cover their own travel and accommodation expenses, but they can apply to the school for accommodation coverage.
Hosted by
· School of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University
· Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin
· School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin
· Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania
· International Communication Committee,The Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication
· Internet Communication History Committee, The Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication
Supporting journals
· Communication and the Public
· China Media Report
July 3-July 7, 2023
1. The seminar will be held offline, with renowned scholars from Europe, North America, Singapore, Hong Kong, and other places to give lectures.
2. The course is open to young communication scholars (doctoral students, postdoctoral students, and young teachers) globally for recruitment.
3. The applicant must submit an academic resume and a research paper (either in Chinese or English, published or not). The best papers will be selected for presentation, and be commented by professors during the seminar.
4. Number of attendees: 100.
1. Applicants are required to fill out a registration form (see attached file: application form.docx), as well as to submit their academic resume and paper.
2. All materials should be sent to this email address: [email protected]. Name the email subject as “2023 ZJU Summer School – Your Affiliation – Your Name”.
3. The submission deadline is June 5th, 2023. All decisions will be made by June 15th.
For more information about the School of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University, please refer to the official website: //