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The 2nd China Digital City Brand Summit Held in Hangzhou

Editor: Author: Date:2021-09-28 12:20:22 Hits:57

September 25 saw the grand opening of the 2nd China Digital City Brand Summit at Huabei Hotel, Hangzhou. The event was set forth under the theme: Digital City Brand: Purpose, Significance, and Strategy. Professionals convened to discuss about the establishment, reformation, as well as the development of the digital city brand in the new era.


The opening ceremony was hosted by Prof. Huang Dan, senior professor of liberal arts at Zhejiang University. Prof. Wei Lu, the dean of the CMIC also gave his speech in which he pointed out that digital communication research is all about the connection and integration between technology and the human society. The CMIC will strive to contribute its part on the national stage as a hub of communication education.


The title of the forums held during the summit are “The New Trends of Digital City Brand”, The Construction of Digital City Brand and Smart City, Digital Communication and Urban Life”, and The Digital Communication of Urban Culture. All guests took active participation and expressed insightful views on city branding, digital governance and empowerment.


The event saw its conclusion with the closing speech given by Prof. Huang. He reminded that the expression of “digital city” must be of solid contribution and value. Researchers should also keep in mind to turn research results into actions for actual implementation of their efforts.

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