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China Media Report is now an affiliation journal of IAMCR

Editor: Author: Date:2021-03-01 10:38:19 Hits:136

HANGZHOU—China Media Report (ISSN 1682-3362), founded by the College of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University in 2002 has recently been approved as an affiliated journal of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).

In addition, China Media Report has developed a strategic partnership with China Media Report Overseas (ISSN 1557-1351) founded by Edmondson Intercultural Enterprises. China Media Report will include five new papers per issue for republication by China Media Report Overseas, a journal indexed on the EBSCO and the Gale Academic OneFile databases.

Jointly published by the College of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University and the Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the Macao University of Science and Technology, China Media Report is an international academic platform where Chinese scholars both at home and abroad exchange ideas and establish connections. The quarterly journal witnesses the prospering and advancing of Chinese theories and practices in media and communication. The widely acknowledged journal has been registered in the Index of Copernicus (IC) and the Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (UPD).

As of January 2021, China Media Report has published a total of 77 issues, all of which are accessible on the WeChat account传媒火花.

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