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The 12th ZJU Summer School on Communication Theory and Methods concluded with success

Editor: Author: Date:2020-07-17 12:24:58 Hits:99

HANGZHOU—The 12th ZJU Summer School on Communication Theory and Methods took place from July 6 to 10. The program was jointly hosted by Zhejiang University, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Pennsylvania and the CAHJC (Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication). Over 150 young scholars exchanged views on the topic of “News Production, Information Flow, and Communication Credibility in the Digital Age”.

Apart from Prof. Guobin Yang and Prof. Yu Hong who were introduced in the previous article, other scholars and researchers who also gave insightful lectures during the program are as follows:

Victor Pickard, University of Pennsylvania

Imagining a Post-Commercial Future for Journalism

Confronting the Monopoly Problem in American News Media

Seth Lewis, University of Oregon

Concepts for Studying Journalism and Technology

The Lived Experience of News

Social Media, Journalism, and Faulty Assumptions: Lessons from a Decade of Research

David Ryfe, University of Iowa

Uses of a Practice Approach to News Production

Mike Ananny, University of Southern California

Networked Press Freedom

Studying Networked News Time

Ye Lu, Fudan University

Collaborative News Exhibition and Diverse Public Life in the Digital Era

Hongtao Li, Zhejiang University

Living in the Shadow of the Past: Memory Theatre, Digital Memory Practice and Journalism

Yanhong Li, Sun Yat-sen University

Field, Regulation and Ecosystem: How Sociological Theory Aid in Journalistic Research

Haiyan Wang, Jinan University

Journalism Transformation in the Digital Era: Theory Path, Research Method and Case Study

Group discussions and presentations were carried out in between lectures. As for the final session, Prof. Zhongdang Pan moderated the roundtable discussion of the theme of the program. Prof. Lu Wei then concluded the 12th Summer Research Program by commending outstanding participants.

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