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Successful Conclusion of 2018 Annual Convention of The Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Communication(CAHJC)at Hangzhou

Editor:wsgl Author: wsgl Date:2018-11-05 15:29:26 Hits:446

On Oct 27th -28th, 2018 Annual Convention of The Chinese Association for History of Journalism and CommunicationCAHJChosted  by College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University was  held in Hangzhou. Over a thousand scholars from top universities home  and abroad gather together sharing their updated research and exchange  ideas around “Global PerspectivesChinese CharacteristicsNew Communication and Good Life in the Digital Age”.


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There  are three parts of keynote speeches in the convention in which speaker  line-up includes former president of ICA Larry Gross, ICA  President-elect Terry Flew, Professor Emeritus of Communications  Clifford Christians, Editor-in-chief of Asian Journal of Communication  Xiaoming Hao, Xiaohong Gao, Zhengrong Hu, Xujun Tang, Manli Cheng,  Changfeng Chen, Tingjun Wu, Peiren Shao, Junhao Hong (US) , Shuhua Zhou  (US) and Runze Wang. Vice-president  of The Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Communication  Bo Shan and Secretary General of The Chinese Association for History of  Journalism and Communication Anbin Shi, Hu Huang, Zhenxiang Zhao, JIalin  Liu, Kun Zhang are chairs/discussants across the over forty sessions in  the convention.  


Larry Gross giving a keynote speech on The Past, Present and Future of Communication Studies.


Clifford Christians on A New Theory of Justice in the Digital Age



Terry Flew on Learning from the Past, Planning for the Future: Lessons from Media History for Digital Platforms


Xiaoming Hao on The Trends of Internationalization in Journalism and Communication Studies in China

About The Chinese Association for History of Journalism


CAHJC  is the only national academic association for journalism and  communication in China. Its position is equivalent to that of the  National Communication Association (NCA) in the United States. The  Association consists of twenty-two sections that focus on specific  scholarly areas, including journalism, communication, new media,  advertising, visual communication, media economy, public opinion, media  history, and so on. The Association has hosted many domestic and  international conferences in the past, and has well-established ties to  the many university departments in China that study relevant areas.

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