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Prof. Yu Hong's Academic Monograph Getting National Recognition

Editor:cjsoft Author: cjsoft Date:2018-08-28 18:59:10 Hits:666

In April 26th,The forth “Academic Awards for Journalism and Communication Studies” announced the winner line-up. Prof. Yu Hong from College of Media and International Culture, with her monograph Networking China: The Digital Transformation of the Chinese Economy hit the second prize.

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“Academic Awards for Journalism and Communication Studies” is hosted by the top national academic association The Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Communication(CAHJC)and the Ministry of Education Journalism and Communication Education Committee for acknowledging and discovering excellent research and advancing Journalism and Communication studies.    

About Prof. Yu Hong

After having taught at the Annenberg School for Communication at University of Southern California for six plus years, Yu Hong joined Zhejiang University as a “100-Talents Program” Professor (Level A) in Fall 2017. She got her Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research focuses on ICT development, Internet and media policy, and digital capitalism, with a regional focus on China. She is the author of two books, including Networking China: The Digital Transformation of the Chinese Economy (University of Illinois Press, 2017). Her work has appeared on academic journals such as the International Journal of Communication, Telecommunications Policy, Media, Culture & Society, Asian Survey, Javnost-The Public, and the Chinese Journal of Communication. Yu Hong serves as the Book Review Editor for Global Media and Communication from 2016 and serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Chinese Journal of Communication from 2018. In 2017 she was elected member of the executive board for the Global Communication and Social Change division within the International Communication Association. 

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