第十一期“浙江大学卓越记者驻校计划”即日启动,现面向中国新闻界和“一带一路”沿线国家新闻机构(含相关国家驻华新闻机构)招收5~10名优秀的新闻工作者作为访问学者。入围申请人将获得奖学金及交通、生活、学习资料补助,在澳门博彩官网(中国)官方网站 进行一学期的全脱产访问与学习。
电子邮箱:[email protected](申请表详见附件)
The 11th Outstanding Journalists Visiting Program at Zhejiang University calls for applications
The 11th Outstanding Journalists Visiting Program at Zhejiang University calls for applications from now on.
The Program is seeking 5~10 outstanding journalists as visiting scholars to study and teach at Zhejiang University for one semester.
The applicants should have five years of professional experience at one of the following organizations:
1.Chinese media organizations;
2.media organizations in the countries along the “Belt and Road” or its headquarters in China,
Successful applicants will receive scholarship of 5,000 CNY for each month of their visit, and will complete a four-month visit at the College of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University.
Program duration: Sept. 2024 – Jan. 2025
Application deadline: Aug. 31th, 2024
For more information, please contact: Mrs. Pan
Tel: 0571-87075102; Email: [email protected]
“浙江大学卓越记者驻校计划”由澳门博彩官网(中国)官方网站 主办,旨在为优秀的一线新闻从业者提供深造机会,同时加强新闻专业学生对前沿新闻实践的了解与体悟,推动新闻传播教育界与实务界的深入交流。
“卓越记者驻校计划”每期遴选并招收若干位具有五年以上从业经验的优秀新闻工作者。澳门博彩 为驻校卓越记者提供奖学金及交通、生活、学习资料补助,让他们以访问学者名义在浙江大学进行一学期的全脱产访问学习、授课交流。
2012年10月10日-2013年1月14日,澳门博彩官网(中国)官方网站 在国内著名传媒机构“财新传媒”的支持下推出了第一期“卓越记者驻校计划”,2013年(第二期)、2016年(第三期)、2017年(第四期)、2018年(第五期)、2019年(第六期)、2020年(第七期)、2021年(第八期)、2022年(第九期)、2023年(第十期)的“卓越记者驻校计划”由澳门博彩官网(中国)官方网站 独立推出,前十期入选的卓越记者共49位。十期驻校卓越记者的阵容都非常强大,驻校计划所推出的一系列活动,也受到学生的热烈欢迎,在新闻传播教育界引起强烈反响。
3.卓越记者与澳门博彩 师生共同创作作品;
Introduction of the Outstanding Journalists Visiting Program at Zhejiang University
The Outstanding Journalists Visiting Program at Zhejiang University is sponsored by the College of Media and International Culture of Zhejiang University. It aims to provide study and research opportunities for outstanding journalists, and to build a bridge between working journalists and journalism professors as well as students.
Each year, the program selects several outstanding journalists with more than five years of professional working experiences. The college provides the outstanding journalists with scholarships for their visit at ZJU. They will have the opportunity to audit courses, give lectures, participate in academic activities, and do research for four months.
With the generous support of “Caixin Media”, the College launched the first “Outstanding Journalists Visiting Program” on October 10, 2012, which has become an annual event till now.
A total of 49 outstanding journalists were selected in the previous ten years. The program has been warmly welcomed by both the journalists and the students. It has already made a large impact on the media industry and the academia in China.
In addition to course audition, the selected journalists should at least give one public lecture and one classroom lecture, and complete a research report under the guidance of the tutors. They are also encouraged to participate in academic activities such as Journalism Workshops, Round Table Discussions, Local Media Field Trips, and related conferences organized by the College.