2024年6月20-24日,国际传播学会第74届年会“中国互联网三十年CAP圆桌论坛(The CAP Roundtable on 30 Years of the Chinese internet and beyond)”将在澳大利亚黄金海岸(Gold Coast)举行。本次会议由澳门博彩官网(中国)官方网站 、英文季刊《传播与公共》 (Communication and the Public)、ICA Communication & Technology Division、ICA Popular Media & Culture Division、ICA Public Diplomacy Interest Group联合主办。我们诚挚地欢迎来自海内外的学者莅临会议,共同回顾与探讨中国互联网及其研究的历史与未来。
The CAP Roundtable on 30 Years of the Chinese internet and beyond
Since its first connection to the global internet in 1994, the Chinese internet has undergone a significant development marked by enormous user scale, vibrant online culture, and uncanny governance. Over the decades, numerous internet enterprises have emerged, grown, and disappeared, while international capital has entered, and national protection and regulation have taken place. The transition from portal websites and social media to mobile internet platforms, along with the vast user market and active capital investments, has facilitated the innovation and upgrade of China's internet technology and industry. To some extent, the Chinese internet has become a new ground zero for innovation, entrepreneurship, and disagreement.
The Chinese internet is entering its 30-year anniversary in 2024. Looking back at these thirty years, marked by fulfilled hopes, unexpected outcomes, and significant power shifts at home and abroad, we need to ask future-oriented questions: What does the internet mean for China and beyond? What does China or Chinese-ness mean for the internet and for the UN’s Global Goals? What are the lessons from the Chinese Internet to the world regarding economy, culture, governance, and research? How should we understand the global and globalizing features of the Chinese internet? Ultimately, what new questions, perspectives, and methods should be applied? In this session, a group of invited scholars from diverse backgrounds including critical political economy, media industries research, and media and cultural studies, along with engaging audiences, will reflect and revisit the history and the future of Chinese internet and internet research.
Florian Schneider, Leiden University, Netherlands
Guobin Yang, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Gianluigi Negro, University of Siena, Italy
Haiqing Yu, RMIT University, Australia
Jack Qiu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Jian Lin, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Jun Liu, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Lu Wei, Communication University of Zhejiang, China
Zhejiang University, China
Lin Zhang, University of New Hampshire, USA
Miao Lu, Lingnan University, Hong Kong SAR, China
Ping Sun, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China
Yu Hong, Zhejiang University, China
About the Organizer:
Communication and the Public, jointly published by Zhejiang University and SAGE in spring 2016, is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes both theoretical and empirical research articles in the broadly defined intersections of communication and the public. The Journal has been indexed by Scopus and ESCI databases in 2018 and 2019, respectively, and included in the core journal list of French information communication in 2022. In 2022, the Journal has just received its first Impact Factor of 3.6, a very impressive showing. From the 3rd issue of 2023 and on, the Journal has made all published articles available OA immediately thanks to the generous support of Zhejiang University.
The regular features of the journal include research articles, theoretical essays, forum and symposium, academic dialogue, etc. To better reflect the multi-disciplinary thematic focus, the journal will publish frequent special issues. Proposals for special issues from any social scientific or humanistic disciplines are welcome.