本次“全球变局中的互联网研究”讲座由澳门博彩官网(中国)官方网站 和浙江传媒澳门博彩 互联网与社会研究院联合主办,邀请国内知名学者和来自美国、英国、加拿大以及澳洲的教授线上开讲。此次讲座围绕“后美国时代互联网:技术、治理与地缘政治”这一主题,聚焦全球变局中互联网发展与治理问题,旨在鼓励围绕“后美国”时代ICT相关治理和发展的社会技术转型、地缘政治重构、制度反应和规范辩论的集中讨论。
Opening Remarks
Lu Wei
Zhejiang University
Keynote 1
Dwayne Winseck, Carleton University
Daya Thussu, Hong Kong Baptist University
Session 1:
Geopolitics and Social-technical Process
Shinjoung Yeo
Queens College, City University of New York
l’Europe qui protège(The Europe that protects) but for whom?
Lianrui JIa and Fan Liang
University of Toronto
The Globalization of China’s Digital Platforms
Jing Wang,
NYU Shanghai
China’s Blockchain Campaign
Session 2:
Cyberwar Topologies: In Struggle of A Post-American Internet
Kayla Hilstob
Simon Fraser University
“Confronting Convergence in ICE's Prison-Warehouse Duplex”
Niels ten Oever
Texas A&M University and University of Amsterdam
“How the Cloud Became a Fog: 5G And the Reconfiguration of Information Networks”
D. W. Kamish
Simon Fraser University
“The Black Panther Party's Post-American Infrastructures”
Anna Engelhardt
Queen Mary University of London
“Spectral Volumes of Russian Cyber Warfare”
Asia Bazdireva (Geocinema) & Solveig Seuss
University of Applied Sciences & Arts Northewestern Switzerland / Geocinema
“Environmental Machines, Datified Earths Synopsis”
Svitlana Matviyenko
Simon Fraser University
“The Infrastructural Legacy of the Soviet Union and the Case of .su Domain”
Keynote 2
Thomas Pradip, The University of Queensland
Yi Shen, Fudan University
Session 3:
Norm and Governance
Tao Fu
University of International Business and Economics
China’s AI Governance: Perspectives of Professionals, the Public and American Tech Media
Yue Cao
Fudan University
Technical metaphor and discourse practice of China’s internet
Qiong Zhou
Zhejiang University of Technology
Reconstructing international order in the internet era
Elisa Oreglia
King’s College London
Infrastructure, technology and values in the Digital Silk Road
Roundtable discussion
Chengyu Xiong 熊澄宇
Tsinghua University 清华大学
Baoguo Cui 崔保国
Tsinghua University 清华大学
Xingdong Fang 方兴东
the Consortium of Internet and Society at the Communication University of Zhejiang 浙江传媒澳门博彩 ;互联网与社会研究院
Yi Shen 沈逸
Fudan University 复旦大学
Yu Hong 洪宇
Zhejiang University 浙江大学
Yuxiao Li 李欲晓
Consortium of Cyberspace 中国网络空间研究院